The New Music Blog

new music blog
(Image credit: Brad Merrett)

What are the issues facing new artists in a rapidly changing music industry?

This page is your opportunity to contribute your thoughts and ideas, to share your opinions with other people in the industry.

We want to hear your thoughts, on the media, social media, on venues, on audiences, pay-to-play, the economics of being in a band, the importance of image, record companies, promoters, marketing.

This page will collect your opinions and comments.

What is the new band scene like in your part of the world? What can you learn from other scenes elsewhere?

Send us your opinions and we’ll turn them into web pages and hopefully build a resource that’s useful to upcoming artists everywhere.

A Ghoul from Ghost says industry struggles are good for music

Why Small Bands Need Live Reviews, by Ginger Wildheart

Why social media is killing music

BLOG: Can't find any good new music? You're not trying hard enough.

Is Facebook advertising worth it for your band?

If your band dresses like it’s 1974, you’re wearing fancy dress

Think metal is dead? That's your fault