Secretive, cinematic Swedes Tid unveil a mesmerising new video

Tid promo picture 2016

Drawn from the darkest corners of the Swedish scene, and featuring members of bands that shall have to remain Nameless, the four-piece Tid (‘Time’) are on a mission to map out the hidden layers of the human psyche – and make them kinda catchy to boot.

With a sweeping and cinematic album, Fix Idé due out on October 7 via The Sign Records, the band are heralding its arrival with an engrossing new video for the track Aurora Surrealis, an industrial yet atmospheric journey down the “never-ending spiral” that is mankind’s lot, and we have the worldwide exclusive. Shot in grainy, to-VHS-and-back-again style, this is a tale of signs, portents and portals, featuring women wondering through forests, some nifty digital effects and a little bit of nudity and barfing, and all set to an immersive track that suggests esoteric secrets being uncovered and a spooked out Rammstein.

As an added bonus, you’ll find this vision bookended, for reasons that are beyond our measly ken, snippets of very old Swedish TV. Tid’s purpose, however, is to loosen your cold, dead grip on reality and replenish the senses, so go with the flow, check your boss isn’t looking over your shoulder and enter the weird and wonderful world of Auora Surrealis below!

Pass through the stargate that is Tid’s Facebook page here!

Jonathan Selzer

Having freelanced regularly for the Melody Maker and Kerrang!, and edited the extreme metal monthly, Terrorizer, for seven years, Jonathan is now the overseer of all the album and live reviews in Metal Hammer. Bemoans his obsolete superpower of being invisible to Routemaster bus conductors, finds men without sideburns slightly circumspect, and thinks songs that aren’t about Satan, swords or witches are a bit silly.