Dave Mustaine films reality series pilot

Megadeth mainman Dave Mustaine and his family have completed filming the pilot of a reality series documenting the family’s relocation from Los Angeles to Nashville.

The guitarist’s daughter, Electra, revealed the news in an interview with Rolling Stone.

Electra says: “Everyone knows the story of Megadeth and who my dad is. That story has already been told. But the one that hasn’t been told is what he’s like with his family, what it’s like for him to move to Nashville. And what it’s like to have him walk into a tractor store and try to fit in. He is funny as heck.”

The Megadeth leader made the move to the Nashville suburb of Franklin in late 2014 ahead of the sessions for the newly-released Dystopia album and in an effort to assist daughter Electra’s aspiring career as a country music artist.

Mustaine tells Rolling Stone India: “The reason we moved out here was because I’ve made four records out here and all those times I was record­ing, I did live here. It really was comfort­able to be here. The last time we were here, Electra was only two years old. We didn’t know that she had the gift and once she started singing – I heard her sing one time and I was really convinced.

“I don’t profess to be a singer first and foremost, I’m a guitar player that sings more than a sing­er who plays guitar. But with her, she real­ly is. That’s her strong point. For her, this is music city. It’s all about country. It’s where she’s flourishing.”

He adds: “I could do my job from anywhere – Megadeth is that successful. I can do stuff on the net from a desert island if I wanted to. But I think for her, to be here right now and work with other songwrit­ers builds her name. She just goes in and meets people and doesn’t tell them who her dad is.”

Megadeth’s 15th album Dystopia expands the music universe for fans with a virtual reality experience within a virtual fallen city modeled after images in the video for The Threat Is Real.

The band were filmed performing five songs from the record within footage accessed via a CEEK Virtual Reality cardbox headset that gives users the opportunity to virtually enter, engage and explore a parallel world.

Megadeth will launch a North American tour with guests Suicidal Tendencies, Children Of Bodom and Havok on February 20 in Dallas, Texas.