Download festival announce day tickets and splits

Ozzy Osbourne holding out his hand

Download festival has released day tickets for this year's event and announced its day splits. 

The mammoth rock and metal festival had previously announced its headliners (Avenged Sevenfold on Friday, Guns N' Roses on Saturday and Ozzy Osbourne on Sunday), but now the other three stages have had their splits revealed.

Download made the announcement on social media, including individual graphics for each day, which you can see below.

Stage times for the festival are yet to be announced.

Download have also released day tickets – which you can order now!

Buy Friday day tickets
Buy Saturday day tickets
Buy Sunday day tickets

Download festival poster - April 9 2018

Luke Morton joined Metal Hammer as Online Editor in 2014, having previously worked as News Editor at popular (but now sadly defunct) alternative lifestyle magazine, Front. As well as helming the Metal Hammer website for the four years that followed, Luke also helped relaunch the Metal Hammer podcast in early 2018, producing, scripting and presenting the relaunched show during its early days. He also wrote regular features for the magazine, including a 2018 cover feature for his very favourite band in the world, Slipknot, discussing their turbulent 2008 album, All Hope Is Gone.