Unseen Faith have released a series of EPs since forming in 2010, but this is the Danish quintet’s debut full-length. With that in mind it’s probably not worth expecting them to hit a home run straight out of the gates, but similarly their lack of identifiable personality is the biggest flaw in this occasionally enjoyable but often generic listening experience. All of the tropes of modern tech/metal/ deathcore are so easily telegraphed on every song that you never come close to getting the thrill and excitement that the best music brings. If you’re a committed fan of the genre, though, there is enough of the pace, bounce and juddering rhythms that makes this music fly in a song like Friend Of The Devil, and the excellently discordant guitar parts of album highlight (Don’t) Fear to stop the band from being written off completely. Ultimately, though, Unseen Faith have a way to go before we can start talking about them alongside the bands they’ve so clearly been influenced by.
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