"Ploughing a uniquely distinctive furrow for over 40 years": New Model Army's Unbroken is timeless, ireful and poetic

Unbroken is album number 16 from enduring British punk/folk/rock mainstays New Model Army

New Model Army: Unbroken cover art
(Image: © Absolute)

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Is there any other British 80s rock band as dependable as New Model Army? Formed in 1980 by vocalist/guitarist/songwriter and sole continuous member Justin Sullivan, they’ve been ploughing their own uniquely distinctive furrow of punk/folk/rock for over 40 years – far outliving the short-lived 80s genres into which they were often inappropriately categorised. 

Album opener, the lead-off single First Summer After, is classic New Model Army: a mesmerising bass riff and powerful tribal drumming buttressing intricate and delicate guitar melodies, with Sullivan’s ireful yet poetic lyrics telling a story with the timeless vernacular of a homily or fable but without the dogmatic preaching of their 80s punk counterparts.

Their significant diversity (Unbroken is delayed by last year’s Sinfonia – stunning classical arrangements of back catalogue tracks performed live) can be heard in the the acoustic lament of Cold Wind, the heavy rock of Coming Or Going, the synth-laden If I Am Still Me – which harks back to 1984's debut album Vengeance – and the poignant choral Idumea. All help explain the band’s longevity. 

Unbroken: New Model Army in one word.

Alex Burrows

A regular contributor to Louder/Classic Rock and The Quietus, Burrows began his career in 1979 with a joke published in Whizzer & Chips. In the early 1990s he self-published a punk/comics zine, then later worked for Cycling Plus, Redline, MXUK, MP3, Computer Music, Metal Hammer and Classic Rock magazines. He co-wrote Anarchy In the UK: The Stories Behind the Anthems of Punk with the late, great Steven Wells and adapted gothic era literature into graphic novels. He also had a joke published in Viz. He currently works in creative solutions, lives in rural Oxfordshire and plays the drums badly.