Paul Weller on British politicians: "Mugs, all of them."

Paul Weller performs on stage at Alhambra Theatre on April 15, 2024 in Dunfermline, Scotland. (
(Image credit: Photo by Roberto Ricciuti/Redferns)

Paul Weller has made it crystal clear he's not a particularly big fan of British politicians – describing them as "mugs".

Promoting his latest solo album 66, 'Modfather' Weller gave his thoughts on a number of UK political figures including Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Labour leader Keir Starmer and Reform UK's Nigel Farage.

In a discussion that veered from fashion to politics, Weller was told that Sunak, Starmer and Farage had all been spotted wearing Adidas Samba trainers at some point.

Weller tells the Guardian: "Were they wearing them with a suit? That’s not right, is it? But anyway, fuck all the people you mentioned. Mugs, all of them.

"You can either vote for Rishi Sunak’s Tory party, or you can vote for Keir Starmer’s Tory party.

"The corruptness and cronyism, and the lies and deceit of most of those politicians... They’re supposed to be your betters, your leaders. But they’ve been selling off the periphery of the NHS for years and let it fall into disrepair, and it’s going to get eaten away and eaten away until it’s off their hands, and it’s all privatised.

"And that’s one of our crown jewels, the NHS. It’s supposed to be ours, we all pay for it. It’s a total piss-take. People are getting to that point where they think, 'You’ve just got to do it for yourself.' Whether that’s a revolution or not, I don’t know."

Weller is no stranger to a strong opinion. He recently said he "can't fucking stand" The Cure, calling frontman Robert Smith a "fat cunt."

Stef wrote close to 5,000 stories during his time as assistant online news editor and later as online news editor between 2014-2016. An accomplished reporter and journalist, Stef has written extensively for a number of UK newspapers and also played bass with UK rock favourites Logan. His favourite bands are Pixies and Clap Your Hands Say Yeah. Stef left the world of rock'n'roll news behind when he moved to his beloved Canada in 2016, but he started on his next 5000 stories in 2022.