Newborn baby is accidentally given the legal name Korn in birth certificate error

A baby with Brian Welch's hair
(Image credit: Dimitri Otis/Jason Kempin/Getty Images)

Korn were trending on Twitter at the weekend, but not for any reason you might imagine. It turns out that, in a hilarious yet unfortunate cock-up in creating a birth certificate, a mother’s new-born baby was accidentally given the legal name of 'Korn', which sparked much online mirth.

Adorable, right? Except the baby’s mother doesn’t seem to think so. Posting an image of her little one’s birth certificate with the unfortunate mistake to Twitter, new mum Kells writes “The hospital messed up my baby's name and we just got the birth certificate and it’s Korn. My baby's name is legally Korn". 

Having received over 14,000 retweets and 138,000 likes, Kells has since made her account private. Which is probably entirely sensible given that she has a new-born daughter demanding her attention.

In an update, Kells later explained a little more information behind the mistake, and clarifies her original choice in baby name. She says,
“1. The name is supposed to be Kora. 2. Yes this should be able to be easily fixed if we are fast! 3. There is a chance they may have had me double check this but to be fair I was down a lot of blood at the time.” 

Reflecting on her infant daughter’s unexpected moment in the limelight, Kells later followed up saying: “Kora/Korn does not know she was the main character this weekend. We just mailed the corrections form, which unfortunately was the back of the Korn certificate so we can’t put it in the baby book but we’ll put a scanned version in.” 

Fingers crossed it gets sorted for you Kells.

Liz Scarlett

Liz works on keeping the Louder sites up to date with the latest news from the world of rock and metal. Prior to joining Louder as a full time staff writer, she completed a Diploma with the National Council for the Training of Journalists and received a First Class Honours Degree in Popular Music Journalism. She enjoys writing about anything from neo-glam rock to stoner, doom and progressive metal, and loves celebrating women in music.