Metallica mistakes make life easier for James Hetfield’s son

(Image credit: Bastardane)

Bastardane drummer Castor Virgil Hetfield, son of Metallica’s James Hetfield, has been able to “pre-learn” from his dad’s mistakes.

Castor, vocalist-bassist Jake Dallas Benn and guitarist Ethan Sirotzki released debut album Is This Rage? In March, and their progress towards success is partly powered by advice from James. 

“My dad had told me a lot of his tour horror stories from when he was young, so I feel like that helps, so we can pre-learn from his mistakes,” Castor told Noisecreep.

“Like just leaving all your gear in the car and having everything stolen out of it, or partying maybe a little too much and then having the next show not be as great. Just things about consistency, which is something I think is really important.”

Benn offered an example of his own, when James talked to him while he was suffering pre-show nerves in San Francisco. ”I remember him saying basically, ‘The audience wants you to do well just as much as you want to do well. The audience is there to have a good time.’

“Because at times it can feel like if you mess up, they're going to judge you and have a bad time, but that's really not the case. It’s useful to hear stuff like that.”

The Metallica connection can have a downside, though, as Castor reported earlier this year. “It is a little annoying when people try to compare us, because obviously we’re our own people and he’s his own person,” he said.

“Online, when you search our band, my dad’s face is all over the internet and it’s a little strange for me.” Insisting his band wanted to “cut our own path,” he added: “We’re not trying to ride off of anybody else’s success here.”

Bastardane are currently on tour in the US.

Freelance Online News Contributor

Not only is one-time online news editor Martin an established rock journalist and drummer, but he’s also penned several books on music history, including SAHB Story: The Tale of the Sensational Alex Harvey Band, a band he once managed, and the best-selling Apollo Memories about the history of the legendary and infamous Glasgow Apollo. Martin has written for Classic Rock and Prog and at one time had written more articles for Louder than anyone else (we think he's second now). He’s appeared on TV and when not delving intro all things music, can be found travelling along the UK’s vast canal network.