Introducing Six Pack, our new mini compendium of the quirky, entertaining, informative and sometimes just plain silly aspects of rock music. This week, six dreadful guitar solos that'll make your ears bleed.
Six Pack: Dreadful Guitar Solos
Our new regular series kicks off with six guitar solos that'll make you wince
Tom Bryant is The Guardian's deputy digital editor. The author of The True Lives Of My Chemical Romance: The Definitive Biography, he has written for Kerrang!, Q, MOJO, The Guardian, the Daily Mail, The Mirror, the BBC, Huck magazine, the londonpaper and Debrett's - during the course of which he has been attacked by the Red Hot Chili Peppers' bass player and accused of starting a riot with The Prodigy. Though not when writing for Debrett's.
"Our motto is always play like you have a big d**k." In 1984, MTV introduced its viewers to Red Hot Chili Peppers, a hot new 'cutting edge' band whose try-hard 'wacky' antics suggested they might also be Hollywood's most insufferable brats
If you ever dreamed of living in a mansion in Scotland formerly owned by Genesis, we have excellent news: there's one on the market right now, and it's going for a song